Facts You Must Know For Healthy Skin

Are you aware that skin is one of the largest organs of the body? If no, then here are some facts you should try to acquire about the skin structure and function, and more importantly how to maintain healthy skin.

healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Facts

Actually, your skin shows to the world how much healthy you are and how old you are. Your skin health is not only important for your appearance, but also it is essential for various functioning of the body, such as protecting internal organs from pathogenic viruses, bacteria, germs, etc. that often try to invade the human tissue. The skin also protects one from harmful ultraviolet rays that are emitted from sun damaging the bodily cells. Rather, healthy skin has the ability to produce vitamin D if exposed to sun, especially early morning rays, and vitamin D is highly essential for physiology of the body. The most important function of this tissue is to maintain the body temperature at a normal level. Healthy skin helps you react well in certain situations when you feel the pressure, pain or any other feeling. This is just a brief on how skin plays an important role in maintaining various functions of the body, internally as well as externally.

How to maintain healthy skin?

To keep your skin healthy and look younger, it is highly important to follow positive lifestyle habits. The following healthy lifestyle habits can have a positive impact on your skin –

  • Healthy nutrition

Whatever you eat has the direct impact on your skin; hence, eating a well-balanced diet on daily basis helps you achieve vital nutrients that can rejuvenate the tone and texture of the skin. Nutrients such as vitamin A, B1 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, C and D are useful in maintaining glowing healthy skin. Fresh fruits like strawberries, pomegranates, blue berries, organic vegetables like soy, spinach, and yoghurt, green tea and dark chocolate are few healthy foods for skin. However, it is recommended to consult a qualified nutritionist to get more information on diet for healthy glowing skin.

  • Drink abundant water

Water is one of the most important nutrients we tend to consume. A human body is composed of 70% water that is required for proper functioning of the internal organs, including skin. Skin requires water to maintain moisture levels; dryness of skin is the first sign of dehydration, wherein the skin gets vulnerable to certain infections due to lack of moisture. Drinking water regularly helps in flushing out the toxins from the body through skin and kidneys. Therefore, it is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

  • Get ample sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in keeping the skin fresh and healthy, because most of the body’s repair and regeneration process takes place during rest, including skin. If a person is unable to sleep or tends to sleep more than the required amount often has wrinkles, acne and dark patches around the eyes, that’s because of the tiredness. Therefore, a person should get adequate amount of sleep in order to achieve healthy skin. Physicians recommend people to sleep for at least eight to nine hours to promote healthy bodily functions, including skin.

  • Manage stress

Stress is the root cause for almost all diseases, physically and mentally. Prolonged stress and depression can have a great impact on one’s skin that may give rise to premature wrinkles, pimples, etc. You must have observed people who are depressed and stressed out often have dull skin with hippocratic face. Nevertheless, one can remove dark circles and improve their skin by simply managing the stress with the help of positive behavior, Yoga, meditation, and other physical activities.

  • Avoid alcohol and smoking

Alcoholic and smokers have bad skin tone and texture due to infusion of harmful chemicals and waste products that usually accumulate in the skin, thereby giving a poor composure to the skin, such as early wrinkles and dark circles. So, it is highly necessary to quit smoking and alcohol in order to remove wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.

  • Physical activity

Your lungs are not the only organs that require breathing; your skin is also in need of fresh air for appropriate functioning. Exercise helps in producing more amount of sweat which is actually good, as all the toxins are eliminated via perspiration; thereby promoting healthy skin. It is advisable to perform exercises like walking, running, cycling, etc. for at least 30 minutes per day to increases the vitality of the skin.

Since, skin requires breathing, it is also important to remove makeup before going to bed. The above-mentioned points are few basic skin care tips that will help revitalize your skin. However, for more body care tips you can consult the healthcare professional who can explain you in detail about how to take care of skin and other organs.

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