10 Best Summer Eye Care Tips

Eye Care Tips Online

It’s the high time to make sure you protect your protect your eyes. That’s because it’s officially summer now. During summer, the temperature is high, and hot weather is not good for your overall health, including your eyes. Your eyes may function less due to exposure to UV rays emitted by sun. Follow these 10 summer eye care tips to protect eye vision –

  1. Wear sunglasses – During summer season, when you are outdoors, make sure you wear sunglasses that can block 100% ultraviolet rays. You need full protection with prescription sunglasses that can safeguard your eye vision.
  2. Wear your eye gear even when it is cloudy – UV rays can damage your eyes even if the sun hides behind the clouds. So make sure you wear sunglasses even if the day is cloudy.
  3. Choose quality and larger shades – Think big when it comes to protecting eyes from hot weather. If possible, seek prescription sunglasses with wide lenses and wraparound frames.
  4. Opt for polarized lenses – Polarized-based sunglasses are very protective against sun-rays and water activities like driving during summer.
  5. Wear a protective hat – A large brimmed hat is one of the most important eye care tips. It gives additional shelter to protect eyes from UV damage.
  6. Avoid midday sun as much as possible – It is imperative to stay indoors when the sun is at its peak i.e. in the late morning or afternoon, the time when UV levels are high.
  7. Wear swimming goggles – While swimming, especially during summers, make sure you wear a swimming eye-gear to safeguard your eyes.
  8. Hydrate your eyes – You need to drink plenty of water not only to hydrate your body but also your eyes. Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water per day.
  9. Super foods for eyes – Eat organic fruits and vegetables that contain high amount of essential nutrients that protect eye and vision. Carrot, spinach, berries and walnuts are helpful.
    Check out here super food for eyes health.
  10. Avoid application of sunscreen close to your eyes – Summer is a season when people use sunscreen to protect their skin. It is essential not to apply sunblock very close to your eyes, as they may irritate your eyes, causing discomfort and vision impairment.

These are healthy eye tips one can follow to protect eyes from sun damage. If you have any eye disorder, make sure you talk with your doctor right away.

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